Great tutorials on how to get best results in Forex Copier
How to copy orders for the symbols with different suffixes?A
1. If you have a suffix on your Receiver account (for example, the name of the EURUSD pair is EURUSDpro), please open Forex Copier 4 program, click "Settings" on the Receiver account, go to the "Advanced settings" tab, uncheck the "Allow auto adjusting symbol names" option and enter the suffix into "Add this suffix to symbol name of copied orders" field.
2. If you also have a suffix on the Source account please click "Settings" on a Source account, go to the "Advanced settings" tab and enter the suffix into the "Remove this suffix" field.
3.Then click the "Save and Finish" button to apply new settings..
4.Please change suffixes manually only if the automatic adjustment does not work.
5.By default, Forex Copier should copy orders for the pairs with different suffixes by itself.
Auto Adjust Lot Size Based On EquityA
1.Please open Forex Copier 3 program, click "Settings" on Receiver account in Forex Copier 3 program.
2.Switch to the "Lot/risk management" tab and click "Use custom lot size".
3.Then select “Set the proportional lot based on Source/Receiver Equity ratio” and click “Save and Finish”.
Copy Only Profitable TradesA
1.Forex Copier 4 has the option to copy only profitable orders, so the order will not be copied immediately, it will be copied to the Receiver account only after this order has some pips of profit on the Source account.
2.Please note that the order will be opened at the current market price (by default) on the Receiver account.
3. Please launch Forex Copier 3 application, click "Settings" on the Source account, switch to the "Orders Filtering" tab, click "Do not send some orders…" check "Copy only orders which are at least … pips in…" (please see the screenshot).
4.Set the necessary value and select "profit" in the drop-down menu.
5.After this, click the "Save and Finish" button. In Forex Copier 3 and earlier you have to click "Apply Scheme" in the main program window to apply these new settings.
How to copy orders with big time differenceA
1.By default, Forex Copier doesn’t copy orders which were opened more than an hour ago.
2.If you want to copy such orders, please open Forex Copier 4 application, click "Settings" on the Receiver account, go to the "Filtering orders" tab, and uncheck the "Ignore orders which were opened … minutes ago or earlier" option or set a bigger value in the field.
3.After this, click the “Save and Finish” button. In Forex Copier 3 and earlier you have to click "Apply Scheme" in the main program window to apply these new settings.
Custom sound when some event happensA
1.To change the sound which will be used when market order is opened please open Forex Copier 4 application, click “Settings” on Receiver account, go to “Event sounds” tab, click “Play custom sounds when some event happens” and select the sound in a drop-down menu near the necessary event.
2.Sound files should be placed to "Sounds" folder. Sound files should have *.wav format.
Reverse Stop Loss and Take Profit in Reverse ModeA
1.This option is enabled by default when you activate Reverse Mode in Forex Copier 4 program.
2.To find it please open Forex Copier 4 program, click “Settings” on the Receiver account, go to the “Reverse Mode” tab and activate the “Use Reverse Mode” option.
3.If this option is enabled then Receiver’s Stop Loss will be equal to Source’s Take Profit and vice versa – Receiver’s Take Profit will be equal to Source’s Stop Loss.
How to copy/do not copy BUY ordersA
1.By default, Forex Copier copies all types of orders but if you do not want to copy BUY orders please open Forex Copier program, click “Settings” on Source account, go to the "Orders filtering" tab, select the "Do not send some orders to Receiver account(s)" option, click "Show settings" and activate "Do not copy BUY market orders".
2.After this, click the “Save and Finish” button. In Forex Copier 3 and earlier you have to click "Apply Scheme" in the main program window to apply these new settings.
Show Advanced LogsA
1.If this option is activated then Copier will write more information into log files, this parameter is used for debug purposes.
2.To activate it please open the Forex Copier 4 program, click “Settings” on the Receiver account, go to the “Advanced settings” tab and activate the “Write advanced logs” option.
How to adjust an open price of copied orders on Receiver accountA
1.By default, Forex Copier opens orders at the current market price on the Receiver account. If you want to copy orders only in some price range please click "Settings" on the Receiver account, go to the "Price adjustments" tab, and click "Wait for a better price before opening/closing market orders".
2.And there you will find options which can be useful for you, for example, "Open price on Receiver should be equal or better".
3.In this case, Forex Copier will wait for the same or better price on the Receiver account and open order only in this case.
Show Info LabelsA
1.If this option is activated then Copier will show the information labels in the left-top corner of the chart.
2.To activate it please open Forex Copier 4, click “Settings” on the Source account, go to the “Advanced settings” tab and activate the “Show info labels on the chart” option.
3.After this, click the “Save and Finish” button. In Forex Copier 3 and earlier you have to click "Apply Scheme" in the main program window to apply these new settings.
Ignore SL and TP for market or pending ordersA
1.By default, Forex Copier copies all orders and SL/TP levels. If you do not want to copy SL/TP please open the Forex Copier program, click the “Settings” button on the Receiver account, then switch to the “SL / TP settings” tab, click “Adjust Stop Loss / Take Profit”, then select “Open copied orders without SL/TP” option and activate the necessary order type you need to be copied without SL/TP
2.After this, click the “Save and Finish” button. In Forex Copier 3 and earlier you have to click "Apply Scheme" in the main program window to apply these new settings.
How to not close unprofitable orders in the Receiver's accountA
1.By default, Forex Copier closes all orders immediately at the current market price. However, if you do not want to close unprofitable orders on the Receiver account you can activate the “Wait For Close Price” option and Forex Copier will wait for the appropriate close price.
2.To activate this setting please open the Forex Copier program, click “Settings” on the Receiver account, go to the “Price adjustments” tab, click “Wait for a better price before opening/closing market orders”, scroll down to the “Price adjustments for closing orders” section and activate “Close when order’s profit is at least … pips”.
3.After this, click the “Save and Finish” button. In Forex Copier 3 and earlier you have to click "Apply Scheme" in the main program window to apply these new settings.
How to adjust position sizesA
By default, Forex Copier copies orders with the same lot size but it allows copying with different lot size by selecting one of the lot management options.
You can find all these lot management options in the Forex Copier application, just click the “Settings” button on the Receiver account and go to the “Lot/risk management” tab (please see the screenshot).
1.“Multiply lot size from Source account by” – if this option is activated, Forex Copier will multiply the original lot size by the specified value. If the original order is opened with 1 lot and you have Lot Multiplier =2 then Forex Copier will open the order with lot size=2 on the Receiver account.
2.“Proportional lot based on Source/Receiver Equity ratio” – if you have 1000 Equity on the Source account, 100 Equity on the Receiver account and you open an order with 1 lot on this Source account, our software will copy the order with 0.1 lot size.
3.“Always use a fixed lot for copied orders” – Forex Copier will always open orders with the entered value.
4.“Use risk management” - If you set a value here, the lot size of each copied order will be adjusted, and this order will risk no more than the selected % of your account in case the Stop Loss is hit. Please note that the original order should have Stop Loss,so our software can calculate the result lot correctly.
Please note that original order should have Stop Loss so our software can calculate result lot correctly.
How to copy orders with custom SL/TP levelsA
1.By default, our program copies all orders with SL/TP levels. However, Forex Copier has the option to ignore original SL/TP and copy orders with custom SL and TP levels.
2.To activate this option, please open the Forex Copier program, click “Settings” on the Receiver account, go to the “SL/TP settings” tab, activate “Adjust Stop Loss / Take Profit”, click “Set fixed SL/TP in pips” and enter necessary values into “Stop Loss pips” and “Take Profit pips” fields.
3.After this, click the “Save and Finish” button. In Forex Copier 3 and earlier you have to click "Apply Scheme" in the main program window to apply these new settings.
How to add pips to Stop Loss and Take ProfitA
With this option, you can define stop loss and take profit in pips (1 pip = 0.0001 for non - JPY pairs, and 0.01 for JPY- pairs). Source’s orders will always be copied to the Receiver account with settled SL/TP.
For example:If you set StopLoss=50 pips and TakeProfit=30 pips and the Source account sends a Buy order with execution price at 1.0000, SL at 0.9900, TP at 1.0010. Forex Copier will set SL at 0.9950 and TP at 1.0030 as it is set.
To enable this option, please:
1. Open the Forex Copier program, click “Settings” on the Receiver account, go to the “SL/TP settings” tab
2. Check the “Adjust Stop Loss/Take Profit” radio button.
3. Choose “Set fixed SL/TP in pips”.
4. Fill in the “Stop Loss” and “Take Profit” fields with needed value.
5. Click "Save and Finish" button.
Maximum Number of OrdersA
This setting defines the maximum number of orders allowed on the Receiver account. If the number of orders on this account is more or equal to the specified parameter then all new tasks from the Source account will be ignored.
For example:1.You set "Ignore new orders if current price of opened orders is..." = 5.
2.Currently there are 2 BUY orders and 2 BUY STOP orders on Receiver account.
3.After that, you get the new task from the Source (let's say SELL order). This order will be processed.
4.So you will have 2 BUY + 1 SELL + 2 BUY STOP = 5 tasks in total.
5.After that you get another task from the Source (let's say SELL LIMIT order) this task will NOT be processed because the total number of orders on the Receiver account is 5 so the task will be ignored.
To activate this setting please open the Forex Copier program, click “Settings” on the Receiver account, go to the “Filtering orders” tab, activate “Ignore new orders if the current number of opened orders is … or more” and enter the necessary value there.
After this, click the “Save and Finish” button. In Forex Copier 3 and earlier you have to click "Apply Scheme" in the main program window to apply these new settings.
How to copy/not copy SELL ordersA
By default, Forex Copier copies all types of orders but if you do not want to copy SELL orders please open the Forex Copier program, click "Settings" on the Source account, go to the "Filtering orders" tab, click "Do not send some orders to Receiver account(s)" option, click “Show settings” and activate “Do not copy SELL market orders”.
After this, click the “Save and Finish” button. In Forex Copier 3 and earlier you have to click "Apply Scheme" in the main program window to apply these new settings.
How to enable risk managementA
This option is designed for risk management. If you set some value here then the lot size of each copied order will be adjusted and this order will risk no more than the selected % of your account in case the Stop Loss is hit.
Note: the original order should have the Stop Loss level.
1.To activate this setting please open Forex Copier 3 program, click “Settings” on the Receiver account, go to the “Lot/risk management” tab, activate the “Use custom lot size” option, then select “Maximum percentage of Equity risk per one order” and enter necessary value there.
2.After this, click the “Save and Finish” button. In Forex Copier 3 and earlier you have to click "Apply Scheme" in the main program window to apply these new settings.
How to copy/not copy Pending ordersA
By default, Forex Copier copies all types of orders including pending orders. If you do not want to copy some types of pending orders or pending orders at all you can do this in Forex Copier settings
1.Please open the Forex Copier program, click “Settings” on the Source account, go to the “Filtering orders” tab, click the “Do not send some orders to Receiver account(s)” option, click “Show settings” and activate “Do not copy BUY STOP”, “Do not copy BUY LIMIT”, “Do not copy SELL STOP”, “Do not copy SELL LIMIT”.
2.After this, click the “Save and Finish” button. In Forex Copier 3 and earlier you have to click "Apply Scheme" in the main program window to apply these new settings.
Use Spreads In Reverse ModeA
If this option is enabled then in Reverse Mode the Pending order entry price will be adjusted according to the Receiver’s spread value.
See the table below to get more information:
Source Receiver (Reverse Mode) Buy Limit Sell Stop - Spread Sell Limit Buy Stop + Spread Buy Stop Sell Limit - Spread Sell Stop Buy Limit + Spread
To activate this setting please open the Forex Copier program, click “Settings” on the Receiver account, go to the “Reverse Mode” tab, activate the “Use Reverse Mode” option, and click on “Consider spreads in reverse mode for pending orders” option.
After this, click the “Save and Finish” button. In Forex Copier 3 and earlier you have to click "Apply Scheme" in the main program window to apply these new settings.
Stop copying orders in case of drawdown on Source/Receiver accountA
When at least one of these drawdown options is enabled Forex Copier will stop processing "Open order" signals from the Source account when the Drawdown percent or Drawdown value is too big or the Equity of the Source/Receiver account is lesser than entered value.
The drawdown percent is calculated as the difference between current Equity and maximum historical Equity in percentage.
To activate these settings please open the Forex Copier program, click “Settings” on the Source account if you want to calculate the drawdown of the Source account or on the Receiver account if you want to calculate a drawdown of the Receiver account, then go to the “Emergency stop” tab, activate the “Use emergency stop” option and then activate the necessary drawdown setting(s).
If you activate “Close all orders if one of above conditions is met” then Forex Copier will close all orders on this account in case of drawdown.
After this, click the “Save and Finish” button. In Forex Copier 3 and earlier you have to click "Apply Scheme" in the main program window to apply these new settings.
How to install Forex Copier 4A
To install Forex Copier 4 please follow these instructions
Max Number Of Orders Per SymbolA
This setting defines the maximum number of orders allowed for one symbol on the Receiver account, if the number of orders on this account for this symbol is more or equal to this parameter then all new tasks from the Source will be ignored.
So for example:
1. You set "Ignore new orders for symbol if the current number of orders for this symbol is..." = 2.
2.Currently there are 2 BUY EURUSD orders and 2 BUY STOP GBPUSD orders on the Receiver account.
3.After that you get the new task from the Source (let's say SELL USDJPY order). This order will be processed, so you will have 2 EURUSD orders + 2 GBPUSD orders + 1 USDJPY order.
4.After that you get another task from the Source (let's say BUY STOP EURUSD order) this task will NOT be processed because the total number of orders for EURUSD = 2.
To activate this setting please open the Forex Copier program, click “Settings” on the Receiver account, go to the “Orders Filtering” tab, activate “Ignore new orders for symbol if a current number of orders for this symbol is” and enter a necessary value there.
After this, click the “Save and Finish” button. In Forex Copier 3 and earlier you have to click "Apply Scheme" in the main program window to apply these new settings.
How to copy orders for the symbols with different prefixesA
1.If you have a prefix on your Receiver account (for example, the name of the EURUSD pair is aEURUSD), please open the Forex Copier program, click “Settings” on the Receiver account, go to “Advanced settings” tab, enter the prefix into “Add this prefix to symbol name of copied orders” field and uncheck the “Allow symbol name auto-configuration” option.
2.If you also have a prefix on the Source account please click “Settings” on a Source account, go to the “Advanced settings” tab and enter the prefix into the “Remove this prefix” field.
3.Then click the "Apply Scheme" button to apply new settings.
Please change prefixes manually only if the automatic adjustment does not work.
By default, Forex Copier will copy orders for the pairs with different prefixes by itself.
How to set a lot multiplier on the Receiver accountA
By default, Forex Copier copies orders with the same lot size but you can set it to multiply the lot size of copied order by the selected value.
Example 1:Source trades on the $1000 account, and your account is $50000. If you copy the orders from the Source account as is you will get too small profit (loss). So you can set the multiplier to 50, and when the order on the Source account is opened with lot= 0.1 you will get the order with lot = 5.
Example 2:Source trades on the $100000 account, and your account is $20000. It will be dangerous to your account to open the same lot, sometimes it will be impossible.
So you can set the multiplier to 0.2 and when an order on the Source account is opened with lot = 10 you will get an order with lot = 2.
If resulting lot is smaller than minimum lot in your MetaTrader® then this order will be opened with minimal lot.
* MetaTrader®, MetaTrader 5®, MT4®, MT5® are the registered trademarks of MetaQuotes Software Corp. The developers of Forex Copier are not affiliated with MetaQuotes Software Corp.
1.You can find Lot Multiplier option in Forex Copier application, just click “Settings” on the Receiver account, then go to the “Lot/Risk” tab and activate “Use custom lot size”.
2.Then enable “Multiply the lot size from the Source account by:” and set the necessary value there.
3.After this, click the “Save and Finish” button. In Forex Copier 3 and earlier you have to click "Apply Scheme" in the main program window to apply these new settings.
How to copy only unprofitable tradesA
Forex Copier has the option to copy only losing orders, so the order will not be copied immediately, it will be copied to the Receiver account only if this order has some pips of loss on the Source account.
Please note that the order will be opened at the current market price (by default) on the Receiver account.
Please launch the Forex Copier application, click “Settings” on the Source account, switch to the “Orders Filtering” tab, click "Filter by current profit/loss value", then check “Copy only orders that are in Loss" (please see the screenshot), and specify the vaue there.
After this, click the “Save and Finish” button. In Forex Copier 3 and earlier you have to click "Apply Scheme" in the main program window to apply these new settings.
How to change slippageA
Slippage is used when the signal is sent to the broker's server.
Slippage defines the maximum difference between the price sent to the broker's sever and the actual execution price.
If the slippage is too small then the program will be trying to open the orders many times. If slippage is too big then orders on the Source and the Receiver accounts can be opened with a big price difference.
Slippage is defined in pips, 1 pip = 0.0001 for non-JPY pairs and 0.01 for JPY pairs.
1. To change slippage please open the Forex Copier program, click “Settings” on the Receiver account, switch to the “Advanced settings” tab, and change the “Slippage” value.
2.After this, click the “Save and Finish” button. In Forex Copier 3 and earlier you have to click "Apply Scheme" in the main program window to apply these new settings.
How to copy reversed ordersA
Reverse Mode allows copying orders with the opposite to the Source's order types:
•BUY order will be copied as SELL
•SELL order will be copied as BUY
•SELL Stop order will be copied as BUY Limit
•SELL Limit order will be copied as BUY Stop
•BUY Stop order will be copied as SELL Limit
•BUY Limit order will be copied as SELL Stop
1.1.To enable Reverse Mode please open the Forex Copier application, click “Settings” on the Receiver account, switch to the “Reverse Mode” tab and activate “Use Reverse Mode.
2.After this, click the “Save and Finish” button. In Forex Copier 3 and earlier you have to click "Apply Scheme" in the main program window to apply these new settings.
How to copy/not copy Close/Delete OrdersA
By default, Forex Copier copies all types of orders (OPEN, MODIFY, DELETE, pending orders, etc.).
If you do not want to copy DELETE orders you can do this in Forex Copier properties.
In this case, if the order is closed on the Source account it will not be closed on the Receiver account by our software.
1.To enable this setting, please open the Forex Copier program, click “Settings” on the Source account, go to the "Orders Filtering” tab, click the “Copy orders by type ” option, and activate “Do not copy Close/Delete market orders”.
2.After this, click the “Save and Finish” button. In Forex Copier 3 and earlier you have to click "Apply Scheme" in the main program window to apply these new settings.
Do not copy orders with a lot size lesser (bigger) than the entered valueA
By default, Forex Copier copies all orders but you can skip copying if the lot size of copied order on the Source account is too small or too big.
For example, you can set the option not to copy an order if the lot size of this order is less than 0.5 or more than 3, and our program will ignore such orders.
1.To enable this setting please open the Forex Copier program, click “Settings” on the Receiver account, switch to the “Orders Filtering” tab, find “Filter by the lot size”, activate “Ignore orders with the lot size" and enter the necessary value to Smaller than/ Bigger than field
2.After this, click the “Save and Finish” button. In Forex Copier 3 and earlier you have to click "Apply Scheme" in the main program window to apply these new settings.
How to filter orders by currency pairA
Forex Copier copies orders for all currency pairs by default (if this currency pair is shown in the Market Watch window on the Receiver account). However, you can set it to copy orders for some particular symbols and not copy orders for other symbols.
For example, if you set to copy orders for EURUSD, AUDUSD and GBPJPY symbols, our software will copy orders only for these three pairs and it will ignore all other orders.
1.To enable the currency pairs filter, please open the Forex Copier program, click “Settings” on the Receiver account, switch to the “Orders filtering” tab, and activate the “Currency pairs filter” setting.
2.To add the instruments to the list, click the "Open" button. In the appeared window add the necessary symbols one by one (you need to click the “Add” button to add a symbol to this list).
3.After this, click the “Save and Finish” button. In Forex Copier 3 and earlier you have to click "Apply Scheme" in the main program window to apply these new settings.
How to copy/not copy Modify OrdersA
By default, Forex Copier copies all types of orders (OPEN, MODIFY, DELETE, pending orders, etc.).
If you do not want to copy MODIFY orders you can set it up in Forex Copier properties.
In this case, if the order is modified on the Source account it will not be modified on the Receiver account by our software, and SL/TP levels will not be changed.
1.To enable this setting, please open the Forex Copier program, click “Settings” on the Source account, go to the “Orders filtering” tab, scroll to the "Copy orders by type" section, and activate “Do not copy Modify market orders”.
2.After this, click the “Save and Finish” button. In Forex Copier 3 and earlier you have to click "Apply Scheme" in the main program window to apply these new settings.
How to copy orders with fixed lot sizeA
By default, Forex Copier copies orders with the same lot size as on the Source account, but you can set up to copy them with a fixed lot size.
For example, if you set to copy orders with the fixed lot = 0.1, Forex Copier will copy all orders with this lot size.
1.You can enable this setting in the Forex Copier application, just click the “Settings” button on the Receiver account, go to the “Lot/Risk” tab, and click “Use custom lot size”.
2.Then activate “Use the fixed lot for copied orders” and set the necessary value there.
3.After this, click the “Save and Finish” button. In Forex Copier 3 and earlier you have to click "Apply Scheme" in the main program window to apply these new settings.
How to copy orders with different lot multiplier for each Receiver accountA
Forex Copier copies orders with the same lot size by default. However, you can set to copy orders with different lot multipliers to each Receiver account.
For example, if you set to copy orders with lot multiplier=0.5 to the first Receiver account and with lot multiplier=2 to the second Receiver account then our software will copy orders with different lot sizes to these accounts (two times lesser lot size on the first Receiver and two times bigger lot size on the second Receiver).
1.To enable this setting please open the Forex Copier program, click “Settings” on the Source account, switch to the “Lot/Risk” tab, activate “Use custom lot size”, click “Multiply every lot size by different values for each Receiver account” and set up necessary lot multipliers to each Receiver account.
2.After this, click the “Save and Finish” button. In Forex Copier 3 and earlier you have to click "Apply Scheme" in the main program window to apply these new settings.
How not to copy pending orders but copy pending order executionsA
Forex Copier copies all order types by default. But you can set it not to copy pending orders but copy pending order executions (when pending order becomes market order) in settings.
After this, Forex Copier will not copy pending orders (Buy Stop, But Limit, Sell Stop, Sell Limit) but will copy orders when pending orders become market orders (Buy, Sell).
1.To enable this setting please click “Settings” on the Source account, switch to the "Orders Filtering” tab, scroll to the "Copy pending orders" section, and activate the “Do not copy pending but copy pending executions” option.
2.After this, click the “Save and Finish” button. In Forex Copier 3 and earlier you have to click "Apply Scheme" in the main program window to apply these new settings.
How to filter orders by commentA
Forex Copier copies all orders with all comments by default. However, you can set to copy orders with some particular comments and not copy orders with other comments.
For example, if you set to copy orders with “comment1” and “comment2” comments, our software will copy orders, which have one of these two comments, and will ignore all other orders.
Please note that you need to enter the same comment names that the orders can have.
1.To enable the comments filter, please open the Forex Copier program, click “Settings” on the Receiver account, switch to the “Orders Filtering” tab, and open the "Whitelist comments" list by clicking the "Open" button.
2.In the appeared window add the necessary comments one by one (you need to click the “Add” button to add a comment to this list).
3.After this, click the “Save and Finish” button. In Forex Copier 3 and earlier you have to click "Apply Scheme" in the main program window to apply these new settings.
How to copy orders with the same comment as which original order hasA
By default, Forex Copier sets the original order number to the “Comment” field of copied order, so you can track the original order in an easy way.
However, it has the option to set the custom comment into the “Comment field” of copied order. For example, if original order has comment “comment1”, copied order will also have this comment.
1.To activate this setting please open the Forex Copier program, click “Settings” on the Receiver account, switch to the “Comments” tab, and activate the “Put original comment from Source into a comment on Receiver” option.
2.After this, click the “Save and Finish” button. In Forex Copier 3 and earlier you have to click "Apply Scheme" in the main program window to apply these new settings.
Number of attemptsA
Sometimes, Forex Copier cannot open an order on the Receiver account due to some error (requote period on the broker server, the server doesn’t respond, insufficient funds, etc.).
In this case, Forex Copier attempts to open this order many times. You can change the number of attempts, that the program will perform to copy order in the settings.
1.Please open the Forex Copier program, click “Settings” on the Receiver account, switch to the “Advanced settings” tab, and change the value in “Max number of attempts to execute the order if the trading terminal cannot open the order” and enter the necessary value there.
2.After this, click the “Save and Finish” button. In Forex Copier 3 and earlier you have to click "Apply Scheme" in the main program window to apply these new settings.
How to change the comments of copied ordersA
By default, Forex Copier sets the original order number into the “Comment” field of copied order so you can track the original order in an easy way.
However, it has an option to set the custom comment for copied orders. For example, if you set to copy orders with comment “comment1”, all orders will be copied with such comment.
1.To activate this setting please open the Forex Copier program, click “Settings” on the Receiver account, switch to the “Comment management” tab, and activate the “Set this comment for each copied order on Receiver” option.
2.After this, click the “Save and Finish” button. In Forex Copier 3 and earlier you have to click "Apply Scheme" in the main program window to apply these new settings.
How to copy orders if the symbol names are completely differrent on Source and ReceiverA
Forex Copier has an option to copy orders for the symbols with completely different names, for example, DAX30 -> GER30.
This setting is called “Symbol name mapping” and you can find it in the Receiver settings.
1.Just open the Forex Copier program, click “Settings” on the Receiver account, switch to the “Advanced settings” tab, find the Symbol name mapping” section, and click the “Open” button.
2.In the appeared window match up the symbols with different names, for example, GER30=DAX30.
3.After this, click the “Save and Finish” button. In Forex Copier 3 and earlier you have to click "Apply Scheme" in the main program window to apply these new settings.
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